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Beating Astma

In a world where everyone is out to make a quick dollar, it’s easy to overlook important questions, such as:

Answer: because our public pools and swim schools are broken! 

Answer: 1. Nobody uses an Industry Standard to design a public pool with a fit-for-purpose water treatment plant. 2. Government authorities and industry bodies are not adequately qualified in the complex nature of the aquatic environment. 3. Unlike the urban water industry, where drink water from the tap is highly regulated and reported on, there is no such national reporting in the aquatic industry, due to the dysfunctional organisation of government and authorities.

Answer: The link between the early onset of Asthma in pre-school children and chlorinated swimming pools has been scientifically studied and proven in Europe. Coincidentally, the regulated chlorine concentrations in these European nations studied, is significantly lower than the allowable and actual chlorine concentrations used in Australia. 

In Australia, public pool owners and operators, overcompensate for inferior primary water treatment, with excessive chlorine, chemicals and expensive ozone systems as if that is the only solution to the underlying problem, that is making our children sick, contract asthma in pre-school years, along with tens of thousands of avoidable hospitalisations that our crippling our health system.  

What about Asthma Australia?

Healthy Pool Water initiated numerous attempts, to contact, connect with, correspond with Asthma Australia to discuss our findings. We attended their offices in person all to no avail.

We issued the correspondence below, followed up by telephone and on social media however we weren’t even afforded the courtesy of an acknowledgement of receipt, banned from AA’s facebook page, let alone a constructive meeting to discuss the matter further. 

Asthma Australia is a publicly funded NGO, employs approximately 50FTE’s, with annual revenues in excess of $7million per annum,  stating that the annual cost of Asthma to the Australian economy runs in excess of $1Billion per annum. 

Furthermore it reports the annual number of deaths at 400+, 65 of those are children.  In Australia 2.8million people live with asthma. 

It is our contention, that the Asthma statistics would be significantly lower, if swim schools and public pools were regulated more effectively, realising a substantial reduction of human suffering, PLUS a net financial gain for all stakeholders involved. 

As more children continue to get sick unnecessarily, we are awaiting a constructive response from Asthma Australia to work with us to eradicate asthma and to prevent a million kids being diagnosed before the Brisbane Olympics! 

1 thought on “Beating Astma”

  1. FYI
    The Combination in Australia, clotine and fluorine?
    Declan Waugh on Asthma and Fluoridation.
    June 8, 2013 ·
    “Jesus wept- I think i’m going to lose my mind. The highest prevalence of childhood asthma in the world is to be found in fluoridated countries. Australia No 1, Ireland No. 2. Within Europe the prevalence of children with asthma in Ireland is almost double that of most other European countries. Between 1995 and 2003 the prevalence in 13-14yr olds in FLUORIDATED IRELAND increased by 40% now representing 1 in 4 children of this age group.
    According to the WHO asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the bronchial airways. The National Academies of Science and Medicine in their 2006 report on Fluoride concluded that fluoride exposure increases the inflammatory response in humans to irritants. The top five countries in the world for prevalence of asthma in children are all fluoridated.”

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