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Bye Bye Cryptosporidium

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The solution to preventing 95%+ of cryptosporidium outbreaks in public pools is simple. 

This is why we wonder why neither the aquatic industry, nor industry bodies, nor government authorities are doing anything about it? Worse, upon Healthy Pool Water blowing the whistle on this matter, we are repeatedly met with denial, deflection and dismissiveness. The Aquatic establishment is hell-bent to look the other way, as if it cannot handle the obvious truth.

The summer of 2024 saw a nationwide EXPLOSION of crypto outbreaks, right across Australia and the response from State Government’s Chief Health Officers was pathetic. They apportioned blame to those who entered public pools too soon after having experienced diarrhoea, deflecting accountability from themselves.

Neither the ‘authorities’, industry bodies nor experienced industry experts are telling you the whole story, so here we go…

data source:

In the state of queensland, this data has the long term annual average outbreaks of crypto at 935 cases until 2024. Then as the chart indicates, reported and recorded cases suddenly jump to 6,099. cases in 2024 representing 652% explosive growth in one year.  Since this growth is evident in the two other most populous states in Australia, NSW and VIC, this is an observation that SCREAMS for an explanation…

At Healthy Pool Water, we know exactly what the underpinning root cause for these outbreaks is, and are not surprised this is only NOW coming to the forefront, since the immune systems in the population have been precipitously diminishing due to the failed response to the said COVID pandemic.

We are deeply concerned as the data indicate this is being noticed in pre-school children first, due to their immune systems still developing at a young age and we will closely monitor these outbreaks going forward. 

Healthy Pool Water provides professional advisory services, such as Aquatic Facility Assessments, to help you determine potentially avoidable Public Health Risks from being realised at your facility.    

We will not stop, exposing the Australian aquatic establishment for what it is… We care for the health and safety of your children too much!   

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